Saturday, June 28, 2014

ÆRENA: Clash of Champions - Guest Review (Online Multiplayer Game)

ÆRENA is a free to play, turn based combat strategy game based in a rather unique and beautifully designed steampunk world. Developed by Cliffhanger Productions the game is hero-centric and revolves around your team versus another aboard an airship, sailing through the skies and battling out your differences along the way. The game is primarily intended for multiplayer matches and these matches tend to last between ten to fifteen minutes rather than long winded rounds that test your staying power over strategic prowess. Whilst ÆRENA is by no means shaking up the genre of turn based strategy games, that’s not to say it’s not a good game. In fact, the depth of strategy and the intensity of the game are both incredibly addictive.

To read more of my review, check it out on DarkStation here. This is a genuinely good game and I'm pretty amazed that it's free, for those of you who love a challenging strategy game then this is the game for you. Plus, no Pay-To-Win features! Can't say fairer than that.