Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Freaky Tup - Quick Review (Android app)

Freaky Tup is a simple but enjoyable free app for android devices that has been developed by indie company, FreakoutGames. Freaky Tup is their first mobile game and it's actually pretty decent. 

Developer: FreakoutGames
Genre: Action
Release date: May 23rd 2014
Platforms: Android
ESRB: Not rated

The game includes three different arcade minigames where the aim is to get high scores in fast paced levels where you tap to defeat the baddies who are, in this case, germs. It's very much a casual game but it's suprisingly addictive and well worth playing. 

Freaky Tup review android app

Freaky Tup looks great with a vibrant, polished look that's really appealing for all ages and whilst the gameplay may be lacking a little in imagination that's not to say it's an awful game. It's an extremely accessible game with easy to learn controls and rules and is the sort of game that is perfect for dropping in and out of. When you've got some time to spare or you're having to wait for something it's exactly this sort of lighthearted, casual and fast paced arcade game that you can just flip open and get straight into. It's very addictive, very engrossing and is a great way to waste a bit of time in those gaps of life. Overall, I highly recommend it as a simple and fun android game whilst the fact it's from such a small indie company makes it all the more impressive as they're done a great job at developing their first mobile game.

Freaky Tup review android app gameplay germs
The Good:
  • Very user friendly.
  • Polished, vibrant graphics
  • Great for pick up and put down play

The Bad:
  • Overly simplistic.
  • Not a great deal of depth.
  • Very little longetivity.
The Score: 4/10 

Last thoughts: "For a free android game, this is pretty good, but it's nothing special and it's not exactly an original idea."