Monday, June 2, 2014

The Last Door - Chapter 1 Walkthrough

The Last Door, Chapter 1, The Letter is a point and click horror game from The Game Kitchen, an indie company who managed to publish this game using Kickstarter. The Last Door is split into four separate chapters and for each chapter I have written a guide for you to follow. Rather than paragraphs of information I’ve limited the instructions to simple sentences so everything is clear to read and with as few storyline spoilers as possible. If you’re not interested in a full blown walkthrough then maybe you want to read a few common problems and their hints that I’ve included below, still allowing you the task of figuring out what to do but by nudging you gently in the right direction. 

If you've not yet played the game feel free to check out my full review of it, here.

How to play the game:

To interact with objects in the game you need to move your cursor around the room until an object is highlighted with a magnifying glass, these objects can be looked at. Objects can only usually be picked up after they have been locked at, when something can be picked up the magnifying glass icon will change to a hand. The hand means you can pick it up. Objects you pick up will be moved to the bar at the bottom of the screen which you can then click and use with other objects or with the environment. When you are able to enter a doorway the hand will change to a pointing finger, if you double click you will automatically enter the room without the walking animation. 

Chapter 1, The Letter.

Hints without spoilers:

Upstairs is too dark, I can’t see anything: Find something to light your way, search everywhere downstairs for two items then combine them. You’ll use it automatically once in the dark.  

I cannot open any doors: One of the rooms contain a well hidden silver key that will open your first door. The room it opens will give you something to open another room.  

The window doesn’t stay open: Find the item mentioned in the note, search the upstairs corridor carefully.  

I can’t get those crows outside to move: You don’t interact with them directly, try doing something in the house to draw their attention.  

I don’t know what to do with the knife: You need to make something in the house look like how it does in one of the paintings upstairs, the knife is used for this.  

I don’t know where the cat is: You can’t get to him through the small hole, search rooms until Devitt mentions that the meowing is louder there.  

I have the hairpin but I can’t open any doors with it: The door that the hairpin opens is not one of the wooden ones, check the upstairs rooms.

Full Walkthrough for Chapter 1


Click on the rope to pick it up.

Click through the dialogue each time it comes up between actions. 
Click on the chair. 
Click on the rafter above the chair.
Click on the rope.
Click on the chair. 
Click on the chair again.

Chapter 1:

Once you gain control of Devitt enter the front door to the mansion.
Inside the foyer Devitt will automatically take his coat off. 
Click to the door on the far right to enter the parlour. 
Inside, examine the shelf at the back of the room to find a box of matches, pick up the matches
Exit the room using the back door to enter a corridor, follow this along past the paintings and enter the first door along the back wall. 
This is the servant’s quarters, examine the red lamp on the top of the wardrobe then take it.
Use your matches with the lamp to light it for later use. 
Read the note on the table then try to open the window, it will automatically close itself. 
Take note of the bowl beneath the window. 
Exit the room and go back down the corridor the way you came only this time, enter the door at the end. 
This is the kitchen, examine the stove at the back of the room by the door then pick up the old cloth
Open the other door in the room to unlock it then go outside, note the crows outside. 
Go back to the foyer, either the way you came or by walking to the left of the screen to return to the front of the manor. 
Go upstairs, your lantern will automatically light up the dark corridor. 
The first door is locked so carry on down the corridor, the next door is boarded up so keep going past. 
Enter the third door to enter the guest bedroom. 
Examine the nightstand beside the bed to find a silver key, pick it up.
Note the balcony door at the back of the room before leaving. 
Go back through the parlour and into the corridor, walk all the way to the right to the end door. 
Use the silver key on this locked door and head inside. 
This is the basement, walk through the dark room until you see a coloured object on the floor. 
Examine it then pick it up, it’s a record for a record player. 
Carry on walking left then pick up the crowbar that’s leaning against the boiler. 
At the far left of the basement, note the bricked up wall then leave. 
Return to the parlour and use the record with the record player on the back cabinet. 
Click the record player again to play it and listen to the music. 
Exit the room to the foyer, the music stops, so re-enter the parlour. 
Exit the parlour again and go through the kitchen to where the crows were.
Examine then pick up the crow on the ground. 
Re-enter the house and return to the downstairs corridor. 
Find the crooked painting, it’s the largest one in between two others. 
Click the painting until it falls then take the rosary beads that are hanging on the wall.
Re-enter the servant’s quarters and open the window. 
Use the rosary beads with the open window. 
Put the crow in the food bowl below the window then leave the room. 
Upon exiting, you’ll hear a cat meowing, go back inside to see what’s happened. 
Leave again then return to the upstairs corridor. 
Follow the corridor along until you get to the boarded up door, use your crowbar with it. 
Enter through this new doorway into the master bedroom. 
Examine the body on the bed. 
A hairpin will fall to the floor, pick it up after reading the note. 
Exit the master bedroom and return to the guest bedroom. 
Use the hairpin in the balcony door to enter a new area. 
This is the study, examine the paint thinner on the lower shelf then pick it up. 
Near to where the paint thinner was there’s a hammer, examine it then pick it up as well.
Take a note of the stuffed lynx in the foreground of the screen and the trapdoor overhead.
Leave the study via the door to the right then return to the basement. 
Down here the meowing is a lot louder. Go to where the bricked up wall at the end of the room is before using the hammer with it 
Take the knife from the chest inside then return to the master bedroom. 
Walk through the room to the door at the other end to enter the gallery.
Use the paint thinner with the cloth then use the wet cloth with the large painting below the window. 
You’ll see the original painting had the lynx with its mouth wide open. 
Leave the gallery and return to the study. 
Use the knife with the lynx to receive a gold key
Use the gold key with the trapdoor overhead then climb up into the attic. 
Examine Anthony’s corpse before you then click on him. 
Read the note then watch the final cutscene.  

End of Chapter 1.

I hope you not only enjoyed this walkthrough but Chapter 1 of The Last Door, even though that was one hell of a cliff-hanger. If you’re unable to tear yourself away from this game as I was feel free to check out the walkthrough for Chapter 2 which is available for you to read here. If you enjoyed this guide please comment or +1 or something so I know you didn’t hate it, thus encouraging me to write more stuffs. :D Happy gaming!